My beautiful, glamorous Nan x

Created by Hayley 3 years ago
On the 3rd of March 2021 my wonderful Nan, Olive, went to sleep for the very last time and grew her wings and flew up to heaven, leaving us behind with a huge earth shattering hole in our hearts. 
Anyone that had the pleasure of meeting my Nan will know she certainly was one of a kind... If anyone ever wonders where Emma or I get our extreme giggle fits and laughing at inappropriate times from that was our Nan! We had to be separated at any serious events 🤦🏽‍♀️ She had a wicked sense of humour and absolutely no filter. She was always honest (however brutal or cutting it might have been) and said things exactly how they were, whether you were going to like it not! 
She was a fiercely independent and strong minded (some might say stubborn) woman who absolutely adored her family.
Nan was like the Monarch of our family, fondly known by many as “the old witch” (she found this hilarious.) She was elegant, beautiful and extremely particular. Good luck to anyone who tried to make her a cup of tea because it most probably wouldn’t be right and she would make sure she told you that too! 
But she had an extremely kind heart that was brimming with love and pride for all of her family and her friends. 
She was an amazing woman who has left a huge imprint on all our lives. 
I will miss our Yahtzee tournaments (last monday I think we had 8 games!) and I will miss telling you every last detail of my life. As you said “we aren’t being nosy we are just interested”. 
I will miss you always Nan, my world feels like a darker sad place without you. 
My heart is broken 
xx RIP xx